Tuesday 01/06/2021

Tuesday 01/06/2021

A soft misty start to the day in Foxford. The river is in nice condition for all methods, 0.48m at Ballylahan bridge. It has the makings of an ok fishing day and anyone that tries the bubble and fly on the fisheries upstream should be in with a good chance of a fish. Downstream of Foxford the prawn will be the best method. Overall in the past few days fishing has not been hectic. This has been largely due to weather conditions but also the fact that the main Grilse run has not yet arrived. We are seeing a few here and a few there but no big numbers yet, they will come. On the Loughs it has also been a quiet few days. A lot of small trout taking May fly on Lough Cullen but the bigger lads are keeping their heads down. Similar reports from Lough Conn. Again the weather has been a major factor and its only a matter of time before the trout switch on. Id gladly swap shop keeping today for a day out there!

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