Friday 07/02/2025 The Power is back

Friday 07/02/2025 The Power is back

Good morning from a frosty Foxford. It certainly is an improvement on the weather we have had over the last while. The recent storm did a lot of damage in this area. A lot of tress were knocked and in places acres of plantations were flattened. The result of this is that people were without power, phone and in some cases water for several days. In Foxford we still do not have power in parts of the town. Things are improving and there is certainly a noticeable stretch in the days. Its bright now up to 6pm. The river is high and apart from a couple of young lads messing about I don’t think I have seen anyone out fishing yet. The first Salmon was caught on the river Drowse last week and another in the south this week. Hopeful signs for the season ahead. It will be another month or more before things kick off properly here.

Here’s a little piece that I have no problem repeating, its surprising how many experienced Salmon anglers make the mistake and kill a kelt by mistake.

Fresh Spring Salmon (top) Kelt (bottom). A very noticeable difference but its not always this easy.

Kelt v Fresh run.

For anyone that is going to “Wet a line” through February, Good Luck.  Please remember there will be lots of Kelts heading downstream. Try to give them a chance. For anyone new to Spring fishing I’m going to re-share a little piece I done a few years ago regarding the differences between Fresh run Springers and Kelts. It’s no harm to have a quick read of it and if you like please share it.

A typical Kelt, they are not always so easy to identify

Kelts/Slats: Are salmon which have spawned and are making their way back to the ocean. If this Journey is successful the Kelt which is worn out and emaciated after several hard months in fresh water can once again feed, regain strength and condition and perhaps make a second return to its river, only this time as a Larger Salmon. Identified by the thin shape, distended vent and presence of “gill maggots” on the gill filaments, Kelts are frequently encountered by anglers in spring when they regain a silvery appearance and can be mistaken for fresh run Springers. On the Moy it is not uncommon to hook a Kelt as late as the end of April. It’s easy to get excited when we catch a Salmon but let’s not get too excited before we first determine that it is a fresh run Springer. By Law Kelts must be returned unharmed to the water.

A fresh run Springer in the net, note the shape and colour

Fresh-Run Salmon: Recognised by the pristine condition, bright silver flanks and thick girth. A Salmon straight from the Ocean will have loose, easily detached scales and many carry sea lice which drop off within a few days. Spring Salmon rarely “show” themselves, on most occasions they make a boil in the water without jumping. Kelts on the other hand jump frequently and tail walk across the surface. During the Spring period if you see a fish jumping several times or splashing on the surface its most likely a Kelt, move on and leave it alone. When hooked a Spring Salmon fights hard, will make several runs and will stay deep in the water. A kelt may attempt to fight but after a few minutes and a couple of half-hearted runs will come to the surface.

Look Out For

Fresh Spring Salmon (top) Kelt (bottom). A very noticeable difference but its not always this easy.


Salmon that has Spawned “Kelt”.

Erratic Jumping (Tail walking).

Frequently follows Bait/spinner to the bank.

Short Fight, loses strength easily.

Can be Silver.

Normally thin with a flat belly.

Fins and tail are ragged.

Often scared or marked.

Gills are pale colour with maggots

Rolla Silver Bullett, time to stock up on these..


Fresh run Spring Salmon “Springer”

Rarely Jumps or “Shows” (unless hooked :)).

Solid take.

Hard Fight with long runs.

Deep Girth.

Bright Red Gills .

Sea Lice.

Loose scales.











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