Friday 29/05/2020 Early morning, late post :)

Friday 29/05/2020 Early morning, late post :)

Sunrise on Lough Conn
“Irish Ladies” Fly fisher Julie Mc Geever Foxford

A little late but good morning from a dry Foxford. Had an early morning session on Lough Conn with my son Michael . A beautiful morning with a spectacular sunrise which i was looking at when the only trout we saw went for my dry fly . No fish to report from this outing but overall Lough Conn has been fishing very well and we have had some very good sport in the past week.  The Moy is very low (0.2m at Ballylahan bridge) and there is a lack of effort, even from those fortunate enough to live close to it.  There will be a build up of fish and as soon as we get some decent rainfall and a drop of fresh water, fishing on the Moy will be good.

P.J with a beautifully coloured Conn Brown trout

Yesterday evening I had a chat with a man who has not fished in many years. He is preparing to bring his 9 and 12 year old kids fishing and was very happy and excited. Its great to see people taking these opportunities and re visiting some of the simpler things in life. I know there’s a very serious side to Covid 19 but i do believe a lot of kids will benefit in other ways and will look back on this period fondly in years to come. We are moving closer to the 20km travel zone and hopefully soon after opening up to others , lets not do anything silly to jeopardise that.

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