Friday 22/05/2020 Wet and Windy

Friday 22/05/2020 Wet and Windy

Local Angler Brian Wallace with a nice 10.5lb fish on the Bubble & Fly

Good morning from a damp and windy Foxford. Some rain overnight but not enough for a rise in the river. We should get some more throughout the day and every little helps. Mixed reports from the few anglers who are fishing the river. It would appear that most of the fish are holding in the deeper parts and some anglers are having good success with a mix of springer’s and good grilse been taken. I was speaking with Ballina local who said there’s a good build up of fish in the estuary. These fish will move as soon as we get some fresh water. Loughs Conn and Cullin have been fishing very well with a good hatch of Mayflies and some olives.

I took my beginner and her dog (that eats Mayflys and dives from moving boats!) out on the Lough for a few hours on Monday and it was probably the most enjoyable bit of fishing I’ve had for a long time. As you will see from the pictures it was actually a family effort. We caught a few trout and had a nice time chatting and sharing the whole experience. Now to be honest she is not a total beginner and has fished before. Like many people she has been busy with life and has not had the opportunity in recent years. She was given a fly rod for her birthday and was looking forward to try it out. We fished Lough Cullin for most of the day. A reasonable hatch of mixed flies,  Mays, Olives and a few sedge’s. Trout were rising freely and as there was a good wave we did not need to cast far from the boat so it suited well. Lough fishing at its simplest and best. By lunch time we were joined by another family member and I was back on the Oars, hood up and reliving life as a boatman dodging flies. Time goes fast when your having fun and the day came to an end. We have promised to do it again, hopefully soon. As I have said many times there’s more to fishing than catching fish.

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