Friday 28/02/2020

Friday 28/02/2020

Need I say it, a wet and windy morning in Foxford. That’s the way its been since the start of the year. Storm after storm and another one on the way today. Water levels are falling a little but the whole system is at bursting point. It will certainly be mid March before we get a chance to do any proper fishing. On the plus side, at that stage there will be a few more fresh fish showing up. I spoke to a local guide yesterday who told me he had some nice trout from Callow Lough earlier this week. Its just what I was saying in an earlier piece that even on the roughest of days when the bigger loughs like Conn are un fishable, Callow can be a good alternative. I hope you got something from the little piece on Flies last week. I have had a busy week and have not prepared anything for today. I was thinking of doing something on some Lough patterns so hopefully ill have it for next Friday. In the meantime stay safe.

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