Sunday 15/08/2021

Sunday 15/08/2021

A showery morning in Foxford but it should not effect the river, due to dry up later. Congratulations to the Mayo team and supporters on their win yesterday and commiserations all our Dublin friends. Its a bit like fishing you don’t always catch but its nice when you do.   P.J and I went fishing for an hour yesterday evening, he had two and I had none. I did manage to drop my phone in the river making it the second phone inside two weeks, the first while pulling a boat up on the shore of Lough Conn and it slid out of my shirt pocket into the Lough, yesterdays while making a little video and preparing to net a fish at the same time. Note to self “you cannot multi task”

Anyway, the river is in nice condition and suitable for all methods. Plenty of fish about and although the take recently has not been great it is possible to catch them. P.J and I were fishing the same baits, in the same pool, standing beside each other and I had set up both rods. Its a bit like the football match, every dog has his day.  We will be closing the shop today at Noon today and tomorrow Monday.

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