Saturday 15/07/2023

Saturday 15/07/2023

Still raining 🙂 , and a wet windy day ahead. The river is well up this morning, now at 1.5 m at Ballylahan bridge I don’t see it peaking before at least 1.8 and subject to this mornings rain it may go further. This flood is well needed to flush out the system and freshen things up. Anyone heading out this morning would be as well to get as far downstream as possible before the dirt gets there. Alternative rivers like the Easky, Deel, Owenmore, Glenamoy would all be well worth exploring in the next while. I will up date this later when we ave some idea of whats happening.

Update @ 19.50 : Apologies for the late update but i’ve been trying to figure out what might happen tomorrow. Its difficult to know what will happen but at present it does not look promising. Following today’s rain I “guess” that the river will reach 2.5m at Ballylahan bridge overnight and we still have showers here this evening. It certainly will be big and I will not know about water clarity before morning.

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