Quick spinning reel service Friday 15/01/2021

Quick spinning reel service Friday 15/01/2021

Good morning from  Foxford. Half way through January already and heading fast towards the 2021 salmon season on the Moy. We had a lot of rain in the early part of the week and the river is now in a big flood. That will not matter much as it will be several weeks before fishing begins properly. Last week I mentioned that this is a good time of the year to service reels and change lines. This week I’ve made a little video to demonstrate just how simple it is to oil and grease a spinning reel. This is something worth doing as not only is it nicer to fish with a well oiled reel but they last longer as well. If you have a new reel which is still under warranty Do Not service it yourself as any tampering will void the warranty. If you click on the link below it will take you to the youtube video. I hope you get something from the video. Over the next few weeks I hope to make a few “How to” video clips which I will be putting up here.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4lNSxt_G2U

Have a good week. Michael

Remember: Don’t be “The Gobshite”, Leave no trace

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