Thursday 02/07/2020
A slightly brighter morning in Foxford with rain forecast from this evening and into tomorrow. The river droped to 0.88m last night but has crept
A slightly brighter morning in Foxford with rain forecast from this evening and into tomorrow. The river droped to 0.88m last night but has crept
The River continued to fall yesterday and some good catches were reported. Now at 1m at Ballylahan bridge it is in good condition for spinning
A grey morning with a little drizzle in Foxford, not much wind. Although falling the river is still high. It is now at 1.65m at
The river is well up this morning. Now at 2.28m at Ballylahan bridge and very dirty. Looks like it will be a while before it
As promised yesterday was a wet nasty day and today is not looking any better. The river is now up at 1.65m at Ballylahan bridge
A misty morning in Foxford and a not so nice forecast. We could get some heavy rain accompanied by a Gale in the next 24
A dull morning in Foxford with some showers. The river is now at 0.5m at Ballylahan bridge. A very serious thunderstorm and heavy rain in
The river was creeping up for a lot of the day yesterday and fishing while still good was not as good as the previous day,
A bright morning in Foxford. The band of rain that was crossing yesterday evening seems to have passed. The river is now at 0.79m at
The river is now at 0.9m at Ballylahan bridge, it may reach the 1m mark but will not go much beyond this. It is colured
Based on the Banks of the River Moy in Foxford, the Tiernan Family have been involved in Angling for Salmon on the River Moy for well over a Century. The First Recorded mention of Tiernan’s and The River Moy was when in 1886 visiting Author and Angler
© 2025 The Tiernan Brothers .
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