Friday 20/12/2019 Happy Christmas

Friday 20/12/2019 Happy Christmas

A dry morning in Foxford,thankfully. We have had some pretty crappy weather in the past week and a lot of rain has fallen, water levels are very high. We are closing for the Christmas holidays on Monday and had hoped to visit a few spawning streams to see whats happening, this could be difficult due to the high levels. For today we would like to thank you all for your continued support. Feed back to our blog has been good and we have had a few orders via the website. We have already been at a lot of trade shows and orders for the new season have been placed, lots of new stock to arrive in 2020. We will continue with the blog on Fridays, even if its just to keep in touch. For anyone wanting last minute gifts, its not to late to order a gift voucher and we will do our best to see you have it in time for Christmas Have a Happy and Peaceful Christmas, Michael and P.J

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