Moy Updates

Tuesday 07/09/2021

A foggy start to the day in Foxford. I have a feeling that will change soon, the forecast is for a bright sunny day. The

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Monday 06/09/2021

A mild and misty morning in Foxford. Yesterdays rain did not amount to much. The river is up a little, 0.52m at Ballylahan bridge it

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Sunday 05/09/2021

A dry morning so far in Foxford, some rain forecast for the afternoon. The wind has changed from the east to a more southerly direction,

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Saturday 04/09/2021

A cloudier morning in Foxford, it looks like we might get a little drizzle. Just a light breeze blowing, not ideal. Some rain forecast for

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Friday 03/09/2021

A pretty dark morning in Foxford, slightly cooler as well. Its getting that September feeling. The fish are becoming a little more active and I

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Thursday 02/09/2021

A bright morning in Foxford, no sign of any rain or drizzle yet! . The river is now 0.26m at Ballylahan bridge, getting low in

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Wednesday 01/09/2021

A slightly cloudier morning in Foxford and the forecast is for cloud and some drizzle later today. It is certainly cooler this morning. I was

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Tuesday 31/08/2021

Cloudy with a little bit of breeze in Foxford, the weather is becoming a little more angler friendly. Yesterday afternoon we had nice bubble and

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Monday 30/08/2021

A slightly duller morning in Foxford. The forecast is for some cloud cover today with a light NE breeze. It could be an ok fishing

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Sunday 29/08/2021

A slightly duller morning in Foxford but it will most likely brighten up later. The forecast is for reasonably good weather for most of the

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