A new Roadmap! Friday 05/02/2021

A new Roadmap! Friday 05/02/2021

Good morning from a cold and wet Foxford. Nasty weather forecast for the next few days so I don’t think we will be fishing. The season started very quietly on the Moy. The water levels were very high and the weather was bad. Ive seen reports online of two salmon from other rivers so far. One in the south and one here in the west, promising for the season ahead.



A new roadmap

The most important news I have to share this week is that the Government has published a document called “Towards a Policy Framework for Inland Fisheries in Ireland A Roadmap 2021”

They describe it as a non-technical roadmap for the development of a new, modern, coherent policy framework for inland fisheries in Ireland. It’s well worth a read and I believe we all should have our say. You can and should ask to become involved by emailing fpolicy@decc.gov.ie or by post to the Inland Fisheries Division, Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan Town, H12 A8H7, Ireland.

I will post a link on our Facebook page. While we are not getting much fishing done we can help shape the future, no good complaining later.


This week’s “how to” is a short clip on tying a Blood Knot. The Blood knot is very useful for joining lines and for making a dropper on a fly leader. It takes a little practice but it is well worth the time.













Remember: Don’t be “The Gobshite”, Leave no trace


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