

A cold wet Easter and a cold start to the week. Not ideal angling weather but at least the signs are good. There was a few Salmon taken over the weekend and anglers reported seeing a few fish moving as well. Hopefully as the weather improves and a few more Anglers venture out sport will improve. Foxford Angling Club are taking part in National Spring Clean this evening along the shores of Lough Cullin and Foxford Salmon Anglers are out on Saturday clearing scrub and fixing styles from the banks, see the post bellow.


Angling report – w/e 31/1st April
Salmon Angling, River Moy: Foxford Salmon Anglers

This is the first fishing report of the year. Good start to the season with a fine 14.5lb Salmon taking by club member John O Connell on Foxford Salmon Anglers water. We had 3 Salmon reported this week.
Work crews have begun opening up new fishing spots on the river and this resumes on Saturday 7th April if you can spare 2 hours. 11.30 – 1.30pm Meet at the town square 11.30am.

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