Another misty morning in Foxford. The river has come up over night and is now at 1.1m at Ballylahan bridge, it might reach 1.2m but will soon start to drop. This rise should liven things up a bit again, it has been quiet for the past two days. Lots of fish throughout the river but for some reason (possibly weather related) there was a poor take. It did liven up a bit late yesterday evening as it started to rise. I even managed to catch my first ever Pink!. That was the third I heard of in Foxford over the weekend. It was a small fish of about 3lbs but it fought reasonably well, a very lively fish. I was using pretty heavy gear so it was a short battle. I can imagine that on lighter equipment they could be good fun. For today spinning and worm should be very good. The shop will be ope until Noon today.