Happy Christmas Friday 25th December 2020

Happy Christmas Friday 25th December 2020

Good morning and a Very happy Christmas to you all . Not a bad morning in Foxford, someone mentioned there’s a storm on the way but we will not worry about that today. I’m sitting here looking at a Christmas cake and contemplating will I or wont I, best leave it for another while. There’s no news on the fishing front, it has been a quiet winter so far. On a normal year we would have been at several trade shows and would have viewed all the new gear coming on stream for the new season, not this year. I didn’t think id ever say it but I’ve missed them. From the new year on we will be stocking the shop and we have some new ideas for the website so ill keep you informed here. For today I hope you all have a nice time and enjoy the day. I’m heading of for a walk, chat soon.


Remember: Don’t be “The Gobshite”, Leave no trace

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