Friday 19/06/2020 Sea Trout and spuds :)

Friday 19/06/2020 Sea Trout and spuds :)

A little bit damper in Foxford this morning, not enough to have an effect on water levels but hopefully the start of something more substantial. Some heavier rain forecast for tomorrow and next week looks unsettled. Reports from the river in general are positive with good numbers of fish throughout the system. There appears to be a mix of some large fish and some very small grilse. I imagine there will be a good run once we get a flood. Its not bad timing as restrictions will hopefully be relaxed on the 29th and anglers will be permitted to travel within the country. So things are looking good for a busy second half of the season. We tried a little bit of sea trout fishing from the beaches earlier in the week which was both fun and productive. Im never sure what the best stage of tide is for sea trout but we certainly noticed more action an hour either side of low water. In one session three of us caught seven nice trout, three of which we took for the table the others were safely released. A simple dinner of fresh sea trout and new potatoes parsley sauce and scallions was well enjoyed.

IFI  angling advisor Kevin Crowley was kind enough to give us a nice mention on their web site yesterday Its a welcome helping hand on the road back to normality (Thanks Kevin). We are looking forward to seeing some more anglers in the shop in the coming weeks. As you are well aware we must take the necessary precautions to keep us all safe and do ask for your help and patience with this. From now on we will start to do a quick daily update regarding conditions, the shop will be open 7 days a week (initially full days on Wed, Thu and Friday and 8 am to noon on the other days) .

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