Friday 08/05/2020 Nearly out of the Armchairs, the Mayfly’s up

Friday 08/05/2020 Nearly out of the Armchairs, the Mayfly’s up

Good morning from Foxford. We have now started on the gradual path to a reopening. It is possible to go fishing within 5k of our homes and this will hopefully widen out over the next while. Although we are all anxious to get out Its important that we as anglers respect the guidelines and don’t do silly things that will jeopardise the process. The Salmon angling circle had a big shock earlier in the week with the news of the Passing of James “Jimbo” Adamson, a young man with a young family. It brings things into perspective.

For this weeks Junior/beginner section I have made a short video of how to tie a blood Knot. We have covered a lot over the past few weeks and now its time to end the armchair fishing and prepare for the real thing. For those of you who have taken part and interacted “thanks” and I hope that the joy you bring to a Junior or beginner will be your reward.


Hi again.

Have you seen a Mayfly yet ?

This week I have made a little video of how to tie a Blood knot Its a good knot for joining two line and for making droppers. It will take a little bit of practice to learn how to tie it properly but once you can tie this knot you are ready to go fishing :). I hope that very soon you and ………………….  will head of to Your fishing spot and put all the things you have learned into practice. Happy fishing and whenever you need help or advice we hope to be back  in the tackle shop soon. Michael

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