Moy Updates

Thursday 27/05/2021

A bright morning in Foxford but this will change later. The forecast is for rain some of which could be heavy. This rain will not

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Wednesday 26/05/2021

Another bright morning in Foxford. The river is looking good, 0.74m at Ballylahan bridge and suitable for all methods. Yesterday was quiet. This was most

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Tuesday 25/05/2021

A dry morning so far in Foxford with a light NW breeze. The river is now at 0.85m at Ballylahan bridge and is clearing well.

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Monday 24/05/2021

A bright start to the day in Foxford, still a possibility of showers. Reasonable reports from yesterday morning but by lunch time the river had

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A cool damp morning in Foxford, it looks like we could have had a fair amount of rain overnight. This may cause the river to

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Saturday 22/05/2021

A nice morning in Foxford and the river is coming back into better condition. It peaked at 1.6m yesterday and is now at 1m at

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Friday 21/05/2021

A breezy and cool morning in Foxford. It looks like the rain is coming to an end. We will still have some showers throughout the

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Thursday 20/05/2021

A wet and windy morning in Foxford. The river is now at 0.41m at Ballylahan bridge. If this rain continues we will see levels rising

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Wednesday 19/05/2021

A bright morning in Foxford, judging by the rainbow we might just get the occasional shower. The river is at 0.45m at Ballylahan bridge and

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Tuesday 18/05/2021

Good morning from Foxford, slightly later than normal but we are back on track. We are in the process of migrating from our old website

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