Sunday 30/06/2024

Sunday 30/06/2024

A nice morning in Foxford and the Grilse are bouncing at the back of the town. I was out for an hour earlier and its the most fish i’ve seeing showing so far this season. I didn’t catch any of them, just got one good pull on the fly but it was nice to see them. I could highly recommend midge repellent at the moment! (We were trout fishing last night and I left the repellent in P.Js car so had none at the river this morning, im buckin eat) The river is in nice order, going low upstream but in Ideal condition from Foxford downstream. Good reports from most anglers and its well worth a visit. For today Prawn is going to be the best method, if we get a little more wind later Bubble and fly will also work. The shop is open from 8am to Noon today and will reopen at 8am on Tuesday morning.

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