Wednesday 30/09/2020

Wednesday 30/09/2020

A dark and cloudy morning in Foxford, the rain has eased of. The river is at 0.43m at Ballylahan bridge. It may creep up a little later but this will not affect fishing today. Today is the final day of the 2020 Salmon season on the Moy, one we will not forget. From a fish stock point of view it has been a good year and it looks like good numbers will go on to spawn. For many people it has been tough, we hope it will improve between now and the start of next season when we will welcome you all back. Id like to say thanks to all our customers who supported us whether on line or in the shop. One angler who came in yesterday evening to pick up a spinner on his way home apoloigsed for only buying a spinner, these are the purchases that keep us going. We don’t expect people to always buy something when they visit but when they do it all counts and we do appreciate it. Thank you.

We plan to work on the website over the coming winter and I will keep a blog going here on Fridays, if only to keep in touch and let you know what’s happening in Foxford and on the fishing front. I still have a hill Lough to visit before the 10th of October….

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