A cloudy morning in Foxford, it looks like there’s a few more showers on the way. The forecast is for it to brighten up later in the day. The river came up yesterday, peaking at 0.6m at Ballylahan bridge it was a nice little rise (30 cm/1 foot). This was enough water to move and stir fish and will lead to a good finish to the season. For today all methods will work, it will be a little coloured from Foxford downstream to start but this will clear quickly, spin and worm will be best to start with. Further upstream it will already have cleaned out and bubble and Fly or conventional fly fishing will work.
Friday 21/02/2025 A sore back and a wet morning
Good morning from a wet and windy Foxford. My apologies for disappearing last week, I do have a sick cert. As a result of storm