Good morning from a cloudy Foxford. It looks like we will get some showers today and hopefully some will be prolonged. Overall things are improving, we can move a little further and there’s a little more opportunity to fish. Last Saturday we had some rain and the river rose by about 30cm. On Sunday there was pretty good fishing on East Mayo Anglers waters and further upstream. A mix of Springers and Grilse been taken. This week we have been getting reasonable reports of fish been taken throughout the river, mostly on bubble and fly. Good reports also from the ridge pool where one angler described it as “like 35 years ago, fish everywhere” . The next flood will move a lot of these fish. By the end of the month we hope things will open up a little more and anglers from outside the county will get a chance to try for a salmon. We have introduced some interesting new colours to the Rolla 6G range https://themoy.com/product/rolla-6g-fluo/ . Stock of these specials is limited at the moment so if you want some get an order in soon.
I had a good days trout fishing with Mike on Lough Conn last Sunday. No monsters but we had a few nice trout and rose a few others, a nice lunch on Poitin Island and generally enjoyed the day out. I still have not visited my Mountain Lough but i will get there. I got a call from a customer last week to advise me that there is now a road up to a wind farm that will save a bit of hiking (Thanks John :).