Thursday 09/09/2021

Thursday 09/09/2021

An overcast damp morning in Foxford. We had some very heavy showers yesterday evening and last night. The river is rising at the moment, now 1.5m at Ballylahan bridge it will continue to rise this morning. This will be a dirty flood and the river will be very coloured. The best chance of a fish on the Moy today will be from the canal stretch on Ballina Salmon Anglers waters using spinners or worm. The rivers Owenmore, Easky and Erriff are good alternatives. Lough Conn would also be worth a try for trout. There is more rain forecast for today. I will update here later this afternoon

The river peaked at 1.9m at Ballylahan bridge and has started to drop. It is very coloured. Provided we do not get heavy rain tonight it should be coming back into nice condition for worm and spinning by tomorrow morning.

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