Moy Updates

River Moy Updates

Saturday 25th June

The River rose slightly during the early part of the day but has leveled of at the moment, it may rise another few inches later

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River Moy Updates

Thursday 23rd June

The River remains in very good order and the Fishing has been good over the past few day’s, the best reports are from Downstream of

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Monday 20th June

The River rose slightly overnight and has levelled off in the upper and mid moy, the rise was of only about 30cm and the water

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River Moy Updates

Saturday 18th June

The Water remains in good condition and while it is falling away slowly, there is plenty of water to allow fish to move freely. There

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River Moy Updates

Friday 17th June

The river is in good order for all methods at the moment and the recent increase in levels has moved fish through out the whole

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Fishing has been quiet with only a few fish being reported daily from the fisheries around Foxford. There are good numbers of Grillse holding around

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River Moy Updates

Tuesday 31st May

The river is in good order from the Joinings Downstream and has still plenty of water to allow fish to move freely. The bright, warm

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River Moy Updates

Saturday 28th May

Fishing has been quiet for the past days with only a few fish being reported, The bubble and fly are working best in the fisheries

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River Moy Updates

Thurs 26th May

The River is in good order and there is plenty of water to keep fish moving. The best method for the past day has been

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River Moy Updates

Wed 25th May

The River continues to be in very good order and should hold that way for the coming days. It looks like there was a good

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