Moy Updates

Thursday 12th July

This morning the weather is a lot better for Angling, it’s cooler and a little breeze. The bubble and fly continues to be the most

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Wednesday 11/07/2018

It feels strange to see the ground wet, not enough to do anything to water levels but a start perhaps. Its a nice cloudy morning

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Tuesday 10/07/2018

A little cooler but still no rain. No changes in water conditions. The river is now the lowest its been for many years. A great

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Monday 09/07/2018

A lot fresher this morning with a nice breeze and a bit of cloud cover. It looks like the very hot and bright weather may

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Sunday 08/07/2018

The morning started dull but it looks like it will brighten up later. Bubble and fly and prawn remain the best methods but we did

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Sat 07/07/2018

We still have some cloud cover this morning which is good. Overall its difficult, low warm water and bright sun. Once the weather does break

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Friday 06/07/2018

Another nice dull morning with a bit of breeze, good bubble and fly conditions. Lots of fish throughout the system and even a few sea

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Thursday 05/07/2018

A little bit of cloud cover this morning and the same is forecast for tomorrow morning. Its not a lot but it will help and

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Wednesday 04/07/2018

Nothing major to report on the fishing front. The weather is staying bright and warm. Plenty of fish throughout the system. Early morning and late

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Tuesday 03/07/2018

Despite the bright weather and low water levels there’s a good run of the Grilse at the moment. Plenty of fish throughout the river and

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