Tuesday 30/04/2019
A damp start to the day in Foxford, forecast is for it to dry up throughout the morning. The River is in nice condition, 0.71m
A damp start to the day in Foxford, forecast is for it to dry up throughout the morning. The River is in nice condition, 0.71m
A dry start to the day,cloudy. The River is at 0.76m at Ballylahan bridge and is in good order for all methods. A nice morning
A milder morning in Foxford, damp with good cloud cover. The River is now at 0.95m at Ballylahan bridge. It is still coloured in Foxford.
18.00 The River has started to Fall, it reached just over 1.4m at Ballylahan bridge and was very coloured. By morning it should be in
A damp and cool start to the day in Foxford. Water levels and condition are pretty good, 0.68m at Ballylahan bridge. The river should fish
The River is creeping up. it is now at 0.57m at Ballylahan bridge. It is likely to continue rising slowly for most of the day
A cool breezy morning in Foxford, looks like a good day for the Bubble and Fly. The river is at 0.44m at Ballylahan bridge. Fisheries
A relatively quiet bank holiday weekend on The Moy. Not a huge amount of angling effort and no big numbers of fish taken. Nearly all
A bright morning with a fresh south east breeze. The river is at 0.51m at Ballylahan bridge and is suitable for all methods. Reports of
Yesterday was a quieter day on East Mayo Anglers, this is most likely because as the water levels drop fish are starting to hold up
Based on the Banks of the River Moy in Foxford, the Tiernan Family have been involved in Angling for Salmon on the River Moy for well over a Century. The First Recorded mention of Tiernan’s and The River Moy was when in 1886 visiting Author and Angler
© 2025 The Tiernan Brothers .
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