Friday 22/0402022

Friday 22/0402022

A dry and still morning in Foxford. The forecast gives moderate to fresh East wind which may come later in the day. The river is now at 0.53m at Ballylahan bridge and is in very nice condition for all methods. Most of the angling activity for the week has centered on the fisheries upstream of Foxford. There has been a reasonable return with some nice fish taken. The best methods have been spin and fly. The weekend ahead is promising and with more anglers trying other parts of the river we should hear of fish from other locations. Best of luck to all the trout anglers competing in the National on Lough Conn tomorrow and congratulations to Lough Conn and Cullen anglers and the boatmen who have worked hard to pull it all together. The weather may not be ideal but i’m sure there will be a few trout caught.

The shop will be open over the weekend however we plan to close from Noon on Sunday and Monday.

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