Friday 19/01/2024

Friday 19/01/2024

A light covering of snow along the Moy this morning

Good morning from a white Foxford. We have had a few days of snow and frost, due to end this weekend. Snow is always nice to see and gives us a totally different perspective on the landscape. I can only imagine how the little birds and animals feel about it though. I have a feeling that if they could talk, we would hear some disastrous tales. That is nature though and the strongest and smartest survive. My apologies for disappearing last week, I had a very nasty flu which knocked me off my feet. I am still caught in the chest and feeling ran down. I don’t do sickness very well and I would not fare well in the Strongest and smartest survival of the natural world. Nope, it’s the doctor and drugs for me. They can’t really do much for flu though and having felt the effects I can well imagine how it would be dangerous for the elderly. I survived and will be back with something more interesting next week.

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