Thursday 23/05/2019
A cloudy,slightly damp morning in Foxford, Midge weather 🙂 and the little so nd sos eat me on the Lake shore last night. Fresh fish
A cloudy,slightly damp morning in Foxford, Midge weather 🙂 and the little so nd sos eat me on the Lake shore last night. Fresh fish
[soliloquy id=”1982″] A nice fishing morning in Foxford. The river although getting low is producing fish and all anglers are reporting seeing fish throughout
[soliloquy id=”1982″] The river is at 0.28m at Ballylahan bridge. Low water on the upper river but despite this sea liced fish are bee
[soliloquy id=”1982″] Although conditions have been difficult on the river he tides have been big for the past few days, most anglers out over
[soliloquy id=”1982″] A nice dull morning with good cloud cover, very nice conditions for Bubble and fly. Again today Cloongee and east mayo anglers
A beautiful fishing morning in Foxford, dull with a little breeze. For the past week there have been relatively few anglers on the river. A
[soliloquy id=”1982″] A cool, cloudy morning with a slight Northerly breeze in Foxford. Looks like we may have some showers later. We had some rain
[soliloquy id=”1982″] A slightly cloudy start to the day, nice morning for a fish. The sun could break through later but if it doesn’t
[soliloquy id=”1982″] A slightly cloudier morning in Foxford, reasonable fishing conditions. The river is now at 0.29m at Ballylahan bridge, low for the upper
[soliloquy id=”1982″] Slightly cloudier this morning with a light breeze. Not so many anglers on the river yesterday but we did hear of a
Based on the Banks of the River Moy in Foxford, the Tiernan Family have been involved in Angling for Salmon on the River Moy for well over a Century. The First Recorded mention of Tiernan’s and The River Moy was when in 1886 visiting Author and Angler
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