Sunday 02/06/2019
[soliloquy id=”1982″] Looking like a windy day ahead which of course will bring rain!. Water conditions are good this morning 0.81m at Ballylahan bridge,
[soliloquy id=”1982″] Looking like a windy day ahead which of course will bring rain!. Water conditions are good this morning 0.81m at Ballylahan bridge,
[soliloquy id=”1982″] The river started to fall yesterday morning but following more rainfall it was rising again by late afternoon. This morning it is
[soliloquy id=”1982″] The river is well up this morning 1.35m at Ballylahan bridge. The water is pretty coloured, suitable for worm fishing. Not sure
A damp morning in Foxford. The land appears to have soaked up most of yesterdays rain. The river has risen slightly overnight and is now
[soliloquy id=”1982″] The River crept up a little yesterday reaching 0.45m at Ballylahan bridge. Not a big rise but enough to freshen things up
A dull morning with a light breeze in Foxford. A few nice fish taken yesterday and good reports of fish moving. Anglers have also reported
[soliloquy id=”1982″] A heavy thunder shower at the moment in Foxford. The forecast is for these showers to continue throughout the day. with a bit
[soliloquy id=”1982″] A nice fresh morning in Foxford. Good breeze for bubble and fly, should be a few fish take o this method today.
[soliloquy id=”1982″] Another nice fishing morning. The forecast is mixed, some showers and a little bit of wind. Conditions should be good for bubble
A cloudy start to the day in Foxford, good for fishing. Nice conditions for Bubble and Fly or spinning in some of the deeper parts
Based on the Banks of the River Moy in Foxford, the Tiernan Family have been involved in Angling for Salmon on the River Moy for well over a Century. The First Recorded mention of Tiernan’s and The River Moy was when in 1886 visiting Author and Angler
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