9th April

The River is in very good order and there are many more reports of Salmon being caught over the past few days. Foxford Salmon Anglers have had 7 fish reported duiring the week, while on the East Mayo waters more fish are being landed, Vincent Poirier landed his second fish of the season. The Fishing “above the traps” has also improved with 3 fish reported on Friday and further Fish being landed over the weekend, the best being a 10lb fish landed this morning. Most of the Salmon running the system at the moment seem to be heading for the lakes with Pontoon bridge fishing well and the Ballyvary river also producing some good fish, the best being a fish of 17lbs (un-conifrmed, but well done RS). The water is in great order and unless there is some major rain in the coming day’s there should be good sport over the Easter weekend.

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