A cold morning with nasty showers in Foxford. its not deterring a few hardy soles who have already headed for the river. Reports of fresh fish are increasing, there was at least two taken at Pontoon bridge yesterday and we are getting more regular reports from other parts of the system. The water around Foxford is coloured for the last few days, although the river has risen a bit recently (now at 0.9m at Ballyahan Bridge) this dirt is mainly coming from Lough Cullin which has been stirred up with the wind. As the Lough settles and water levels fall it will clear out for the weekend.
I think its safe to say that the winter is now behind us and we are heading into the thick of another fishing season. From next Friday onward we will return to our daily reports which we know a lot of you find helpful. Thanks to everyone who followed the blog throughout the winter and gave feedback, comments and suggestions.