Friday 29th July
The River rose steadily last evening and overnight but has leveled of and is starting to fall. The guage at Balylahan is reading 0.9m and
The River rose steadily last evening and overnight but has leveled of and is starting to fall. The guage at Balylahan is reading 0.9m and
The River is in good order, and there are still very good numbers of Grillse entering the system. There are reports of fresh fish being
The Water remains in good condition and while it is falling away slowly, there is plenty of water to allow fish to move freely. There
The River continues to be in very good order and should hold that way for the coming days. It looks like there was a good
Based on the Banks of the River Moy in Foxford, the Tiernan Family have been involved in Angling for Salmon on the River Moy for well over a Century. The First Recorded mention of Tiernan’s and The River Moy was when in 1886 visiting Author and Angler
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