Moy Updates

Tuesday 4th July

The steady rain from yesterday evening and last night is now causing the river to rise and looking at the gauges upstream this will continue

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Saturday 01/07/2017

The strong wind that we have had for the past two days has eased and it is a nice fishing morning. There’s great numbers of

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Thursday 29/06/2017

The river is now at 0.49m at Ballylahan bridge and is in good condition for all methods. It is a fresh breezy day and spinning

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Tue 27/06/2017

Rain overnight will see water levels creep up throughout the day. We are not sure how much the river will rise by but every little

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Monday 26/06/2017

The forecast is for Rain later today. Hopefully this will bring a rise in water levels and some fresh water through the system. Lots of

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Sunday 25/06/2017

“The river is stuffed with fish” this is what nearly every angler who came into the shop this week has said including some of the

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Tuesday 20/06/2017

Looking like a bright day 🙂 . There’s good numbers of fish throughout the system but the “take”  has been slow in the past couple

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sunday 18/06/2017

The river continues to fish well with a good run of fresh grilse mixed with some larger fish. Water levels are falling, Bubble and fly

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Thursday 15/06/2017

Heavy showers yesterday afternoon will see a slight rise in water levels today but it should not be anything significant. There are good reports of

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Tuesday 13/06/2017

The River is at 0.8m at Ballylahan bridge and is in good condition for all methods. Fly fishing should be good on East Mayo Anglers

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