Moy Updates

Friday 01/09/2017

The River is dropping again, it is now at 0.75m at Ballylahan bridge. its a bright but cool morning with a noticeable drop in temperature.

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Thursday 31/08/2017

There is a slight rise in levels this morning, 0.77m at Ballylahan bridge. This is probably due to showers in the hills and should not

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Wednesday 30/08/2017

The river is at o.75m at Ballylahan bridge and is in good condition for all methods. No big reports yesterday, lots of fish splashing around

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Tuesday 29/08/2017

The River is in nice condition for all methods today, it is at 0.8m at Ballylahan bridge and the water is fairly clear. All anglers

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Sunday 27/08/2017

The River is back down to 1m at Ballylahan bridge and is in nice condition for spinning. There were very few anglers out yesterday but

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Saturday 26/08/2017

The River peaked at 2.2m yesterday and has started to fall, it is now at 1.6m at Ballylahan bridge. It is fairly clean and is

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Friday 25/08/17

The river is rising again this morning. it is now at 1.7m at Ballylahan bridge and is likely to continue rising for today. The water

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Thu 24/08/2017

The River is falling and is now at 1.1 m at Ballylahan Bridge. It is suitable for worm or spinning.

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Tue 22/08/2017

There is a large flood in the River this morning, 2.2m at Ballylahan bridge. The water is brown and un fishable. Levels will continue to

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Monday 21/08/2017

The river is creeping up again this morning. The fresh water is coming from rain that fell in the afternoon yesterday. we have had more

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