Friday 01/10/2021 Another season ends

Friday 01/10/2021 Another season ends

A balancing act with a sea trout, Killala Bay 25/07/2021

Good morning from a dark,damp and quiet Foxford, another Salmon season over. I think we mark our lives more by the passing of fishing seasons than by the birthdays and like birthdays they seem to be going faster. The 2021 season had highs and lows but overall it was not a bad one. We had a good run of fish, saw the return of anglers to the Moy and a little bit of normality to life. There’s a good number of fish throughout the system and I am reasonably confident there will be good spawning. In summer the Pinks added a new element to our sport and although i’m no scientist I reckon they are here to stay and will become a bigger feature in our lifetimes, 2023 will tell a tale. From a business point of view 2021 was not easy for anyone, Lock-downs, Uncertainty, Brexit, Shortages and Rising prices all had an effect. The main thing for us is that we are still here and have our health, this time next year we could be millionaires, who knows. The winter plan is to get back to work on the website and stock the online shop. We will start a Friday blog which hopefully you will follow and perhaps enjoy. Thank you all for your support and friendship throughout the season, it means a lot.

P.J with a nice Brownie from Lough Cullin May 2021
Mike with a nice Grilse from Foxford 9pm 06/07/2021

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