Friday 02/02/2024 A new season has arrived

Friday 02/02/2024 A new season has arrived

The sun sets on the first day of the 2024 salmon season in Foxford

A wet and windy Wednesday so you can imagine what water conditions were like yesterday for the opening of the season, 1.35m at Ballylahan bridge and very dirty. January is gone, the first snowdrops have appeared, the season is open and we will all soon be out enjoying some angling. It’s a breezy but mild morning in Foxford and if water conditions were better, it’s the sort of day one would venture out to wet the line. The first Salmon of the season on the Drowse was taken on Wednesday. It looked like a beautiful fish, congratulations to the brave Colin Gardiner who was out in a gale to catch it.

Snow Drops, Spring is springing

We are slowly easing ourselves back into the reality that we must work and are busy checking out the new stock which is arriving daily. It will be another while before we are open full time, its coming though! A big shock for a lot of anglers who visit this area is that one of the most popular B&Bs in town, Maloneys Lodge which has been run very successfully by the Maloney family, Eddie, Pauline, and Ruth will not be reopening. The family made the decision during the winter and ever since we have been getting calls from disappointed anglers to whom Maloneys has been a second home for many years. My advice would be, book your accommodation soon, its looking like a busy season ahead and beds could be in short supply.

We have not managed to get out fishing in the past few weeks, the plans have been there but the weather has beaten us. Hopefully that will change soon. For today, here’s a little piece i done at this time last year. The advice is still pretty good.

Travel light


A few tips for spring fishing that might be worth remembering:


Travel light: Early season salmon fishing calls for a mobile approach, cast and move, cast and move. You’re searching for a resting fish so the more water you can effectively cover the better.

East Mayo Anglers association waters, a good place for an early fish

Pick your spot: In most cases salmon “Lies” do not change from season to season, unless of course something has altered the bed of the river. Target pools and specific places where you have caught or seen fish caught previously. There will be plenty of time in summer for searching out “New” spots.

Time: It could be a complicated equation related to the effect water temperature has on the movement of fish and the warming effect of the sun during the day, or just the fact that I don’t like getting up early, who knows but my favourite time of day for a springer is the evening and especially that last hour. Of course, if you do spot a fish showing in a pool late in the evening make sure you are the first angler to “Cover” that fish the following morning.

One in the net, this one lived to fight another day

Slow and Low: Probably no need to say this but in cold conditions a salmon is less likely to move to intercept our bait. We need to swing our fly, spinner or whatever we choose to use as close to its snout as possible. The real key to success is to hang our bait there for a few seconds. That sounds easy to do but it takes a considerable degree of skill and knowledge to succeed.

Rolla Silver Bullet, no need to say anymore.

Size matters? It’s debatable, I have seen Springers taken on baits as small as size 14 salmon flies and as large as 11cm Rapalas. I would say though that overall, I have seen more taken on larger baits. The reason for this is quite possibly that they fish a little lower in the water which brings us back to slow and low. Another school of thought is that the larger bait is more visible and intimidating and is more likely to evoke a reaction.

110 mm, Not too large for a Springer


Colour :  Again there’s a few schools of thought. My own experience is that for fresh run fish, bright colours seem to work best. On the Moy you will never go wrong with Black, Yellow, Blue, Silver, Copper. Whether it’s a hair wing fly pattern or a Flying C, some combination of the above will work.

There’s probably lots more you could add to this but I think if we fish with these few things in mind, at some point the line will tighten and the rod will double, something to look forward to.

Kelt v Fresh run.
Fresh Spring Salmon (top) Kelt (bottom). A very noticeable difference but its not always this easy.

Kelt v Fresh run.

Fresh Spring Salmon (top) Kelt (bottom). A very noticeable difference but its not always this easy.

For anyone that is going to “Wet a line” through February, Good Luck.  Please remember there will be lots of Kelts heading downstream. Try to give them a chance. For anyone new to Spring fishing I’m going to re-share a little piece I done a few years ago regarding the differences between Fresh run Springers and Kelts. It’s no harm to have a quick read of it and if you like please share it.

A Kelt, note how skinny it is in comparison to the fresh run fish

A Kelt, note how skinny it is in comparison to the fresh run fish

Kelts/Slats: Are salmon which have spawned and are making their way back to the ocean. If this Journey is successful the Kelt which is worn out and emaciated after several hard months in fresh water can once again feed, regain strength and condition and perhaps make a second return to its river, only this time as a Larger Salmon. Identified by the thin shape, distended vent and presence of “gill maggots” on the gill filaments, Kelts are frequently encountered by anglers in spring when they regain a silvery appearance and can be mistaken for fresh run Springers. On the Moy it is not uncommon to hook a Kelt as late as the end of April. It’s easy to get excited when we catch a Salmon but let’s not get too excited before we first determine that it is a fresh run Springer. By Law Kelts must be returned unharmed to the water.

An early season Springer

Fresh-Run Salmon: Recognised by the pristine condition, bright silver flanks and thick girth. A Salmon straight from the Ocean will have loose, easily detached scales and many carry sea lice which drop off within a few days. Spring Salmon rarely “show” themselves, on most occasions they make a boil in the water without jumping. Kelts on the other hand jump frequently and tail walk across the surface. During the Spring period if you see a fish jumping several times or splashing on the surface its most likely a Kelt, move on and leave it alone. When hooked a Spring Salmon fights hard, will make several runs and will stay deep in the water. A kelt may attempt to fight but after a few minutes and a couple of half-hearted runs will come to the surface.


Look Out For

Salmon that has Spawned “Kelt”.


Erratic Jumping (Tail walking).

Frequently follows Bait/spinner to the bank.

Short Fight, loses strength easily.

Can be Silver.

Normally thin with a flat belly.

Fins and tail are ragged.

Often scared or marked.

Gills are pale colour with maggots


Fresh run Spring Salmon “Springer”

Rarely Jumps or “Shows” (unless hooked :)).

Solid take.

Hard Fight with long runs.

Deep Girth.

Bright Red Gills .

Sea Lice.

Loose scales.

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